It was love at first sight
Terms and Conditions
1. Limitation of liability
The contents of this website are created with utmost diligence. However, the owner does not assume responsibility for the contents should they be incorrect, incomplete or not up to date. Using the contents of this website is at your own risk. Articles that are marked by a name express the opinion of the relevant author.
This website contains links to third party websites („external links“). These websites are subject to liability of the relevant owner of these external links. This website’s owner checked the third party contents of the external links before linking them for the first time. At that point there were no law infringements evident. The owner does not have any influence on the current and future design and contents of the external links. The inclusion of external links does not mean that the owner is responsible for the contents behind the reference and external link. He is not responsible for regularly checking the external links in case of law infringements unless there is concrete evidence for law infringement. In the case of law infringements the external links will be removed immediately upon notice. The owner does not have any rights to use any brands, logos or intellectual property that can be found on the websites that are linked through external links on this website. This is not the owner’s intention.
The owner would like to stress that there is no contractual relationship between the owner of this website and the owners/contents of the linked websites. It is not the intention of the owner to establish a contractual relationship between the users of his website and the owners of external links (e.g. through the claiming of benefits, which are advertised on the linked websites).
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The use of the contents and the (future) search function of the website does not result in a contractual relationship between the user and the owner. In this respect, no contractual or quasi-contractual claims against the owner are established.
2. Copyright
The contents and creations published on this website are protected by copyright. Every usage differing from the Austrian or European copyright requires the previous written consent of the relevant author or creator. In particular, this concerns the copying, adaption, translation, saving, processing or reproduction of contents in databases or other electronic media or systems. Contents and contributions of third parties are marked as such. The unauthorised reproduction or transmission of single contents or entire pages is prohibited and liable to prosecution. Only the creation of a copy or the downloading for personal, private and non-commercial use is permitted.
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3. Data protection
Based on the visit of this owner’s website certain access information (date, time, opened page) may be saved on the server. This data does not contain personal data, it is processed anonymously. It will be evaluated for statistical purposes only.
The owner would like to point out explicitly that the data transmission over the Internet (e.g. e-mail communication) may have security lapses and cannot be protected from access by third parties completely.
4. Applicable law
Austrian law is exclusively applicable. The court of jurisdiction is Vienna.